Re-emerging slowly into summer

How are you re-emerging into the world? Is it with gusto? Trepidation? Cautious optimism? Maybe you don’t intend to re-emerge at all. Or maybe that isn’t even an option yet where you are.

Personally, I am taking things slow. Like reeeeeeeeeally slow. Restrictions are loosening in Montreal, and there are certainly things I’m really looking forward to. Despite, I’ve honestly really loved the slowed-down inwardness imposed by the pandemic.

As a result, as I continue my ongoing work semi-sabbatical and social media hiatus, I’m still prioritizing quiet and rest to best internalize the gems of insight I’ve acquired during lockdown, so they don’t stay a memory but rather remain a new way of being.

For example, I’d like to try to avoid some of the non-sensical burnout of the “before times” by holding onto some of the pieces of this past year. I’d like to keep my weekends free of screens, commitments, obligations, and guilt. I saw someone refer to FOGO (fear of going out) and that really resonated. More specifically, though, I think I’m somewhere between FOGO and JOMO (joy of missing out).

On that note, after 15 and a half months, Beditation will draw to a close on June 29. As restrictions begin to lift, my schedule – including travel – will start to take off once again this Fall. Ending this month will afford me more rest and reflection time before things ramp up again.

On another note, I’m excited to finally announce the launch of my latest audio program based on the 50 meditations from my book! More info below. You can also scroll down for my online teaching gigs (not many this summer), resources, and what folks can expect in my membership community this month.

Dawned On Me/You/Us

As a verb, dawn can mean "become clear" or “enter one's consciousness or emotions.” It’s in this spirit that I share with you some of the things that help me get clear in various ways. May it be the same for you, too.

How to Maintain Your (Six Feet) of Space Post-Pandemic via The Good Trade
For every person enthusiastically anticipating a party, there is one anxious about its invitation. While much has been made about the world “opening back up,” less has been said to those who’d prefer to keep the lid on—if only for a little longer, just until we’re comfortable!

Arinna Weisman Go Fund Me Documentary
This documentary is about a teacher, Arinna Weisman, whose teachings I found incredibly impactful when she guest taught at my Spirit Rock Teacher Training. Her journey, from trauma and suffering to a path of love and healing, both personally and politically, is incredibly moving. If you're in a position to do so, consider donating to the GoFundMe campaign.

Colour Outside the Lines with Jennifer Lee
To the creative Asian women in my network, don’t miss this opportunity to join my friend Jennifer Lee’s group coaching program, made especially for you! I’m a fan of Jenn’s RBBP work and know you’ll be in good hands.

A Little Calendar Trick to Ease Post-Pandemic Re-Entry via Wired
Ready or not, the world is opening up. Creating a daily rhythm calendar can help you take it all in at your own pace.

Saying No To People-Pleasing via NPR Life Kit
Check out this NPR Life Kit episode about how to say “No” to everyone and everything that doesn’t spark joy.


New Audio Program

After six months of working with my co-visionary and work partner, Meaghan, my latest audio program is finally ready for you! Set to the soothing sounds created by my bestie Drew Bathory, you will be guided through the 50 meditations laid out in my book, Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners.

Visit my online store to see other buying options, including the possibility to buy the book (with personalized inscription) and the audio program!

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Creating space for whatever exists


Exploring Pacific Asian Islander Heritage Month